
Sunday 25 November 2012


Justin grasped the sides of the toilet, beads of sweat running down his face. He grunted, he so badly wished he would have brought his phone into the bathroom with him. Thinking back, he shouldn’t had eaten three bean burritos at dinner but had been so hungry.

Justin said a silent thanks to the Lord that no one was home. He was sure his grunts were loud enough to be heard echoing through his huge home.

But who could blame him, his butthole was on fire. He could feel his anal walls being pressed apart roughly by the sheer size of his waste. The worst part was the little fucker refused to come out. Justin had already been sitting here for 20 minutes and he sure that there was now bright red toilet seat marks on his cheeks.

Justin took a deep breath, his lungs and chest muscles were strong from hours of singing, he could do this. He counted to three before exhaling deeply and pushing with all the strength his body could muster.

Justin wanted to stab himself in the leg to compensate for all the pain his butt was feeling right now. The waste was out, but now his hole was stretched and burning. Justin recalled some breathing exercises he used to do and began inhaling and exhaling at an increased pace. Slowly the pain began to ease.

He wiped his butt, the toilet paper soft on his skin. He exhaled with relief. He pulled his pants up and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He took one last look at the toilet that had brought him so much misery. Looking closer at the pile of feces in the bowl he noticed something moving along the mess.

“Oh my god,” he squinted his eyes, “Selena is that you?” Indeed, it was his girlfriend Selena Gomez swimming in the mess. Justin immediately flushed the toilet, how disgusting. He hoped he wouldn’t have nightmares from this experience.

p/s: this is my first time ever I wrote a short story by myself. As the beginning of writing a funny fansfic lol I hope you'll laugh.


Wednesday 21 November 2012


Nur Khalidah Wafa Binti Mohd Khalid.

Hi baby I nak wish kat you Happy Birthday!!!! HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I love you so much and I want you to know that. (euw apa ni lesbian) sorry lambat post entry ni, was so busy and tak ada time. lagipun rasa awkward la pulak nak tulis blog ni lmao.

1. Thank you for always be there for me. Selalu ada bila saya sedih, gembira, bila rasa macam nak nangis, bila saya ada masalah and bila bahagia semua ah!!!!

2. Thank you belikan buku Justin, "Just Getting Started" tu dekat saya sebagai hadiah birthday saya walaupun saya tahu harga dia mahal tapi tak apa awak kan kaya omg. (padahal aku mintak someday lol bye)

3. Thank you sebab selalu cakap saya cantik macam Yuna walaupun hakikatnya tak. (lol)

4. I miss you soooooooo badly. I can't wait to see you next month!!! It's okay after this saya pindah Johor, so I promise kita akan selalu gossip, hang out, shopping sama-sama ok. 

5. Sorry sebab selalu panggil awak; "bitch" "slut" "bodoh" "babi" :(


8. Awak selalu jadi pendengar bila saya ada ja benda nak cerita, pastu suka sangat ikut cakap saya pastu bila awak tak tahu apa apa, kena maki dengan saya omg nyesal tak ada cousin annoying macam ni?

9. Sorry haritu bila saya call awak, awak tak angkat pastu kena maki padahal time tu nak cerita pasal Justin broke up dengan Selena je pun.


11. Rindu nak tidur sekali pastu gossip sampai tertidur (kau suka tidur awal pastu biar aku cakap sorang sorang)


13. nanti saya balik saya sana, saya bagikan hadiah awak okayyyyy.


Tuesday 25 September 2012

I'm not good enough.....

Nobody knows the real me. Nobody knows how many times I've sat in my room and cried, how many times I've been let down. Nobody knows how many times I've had to hold back to tears, how many times I've felt like I'm about to snap but don't just for tha sake of others. Nobody knows the thoughts that have gone through my head whenever I'm sad and how horrible they really are.

Monday 28 May 2012

This is for Lala

As I look back on my life I find myself wondering. Did I remember to thank you for all that you have done for me? For all of the times you were by my side to help me celebrate my successes and accept my defeats? Or for teaching me the value of hardwork, good judgement, courage and honesty. I wonder if I've thanked you for the simple things. The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we shared. If I have forgotten to express my gratitude far any of those things, I'm thanking you now. And I am hoping you've known all along how much I love you and appriciate you. Thankyou so much friend. I'm gonna miss you! Thanks for everythings! Will you promise me one thing? Can you take a good care of yourself for me? Okayy,that all :) 

2011, I miss the old us.


Saturday 19 May 2012

Here's to you, bestfriend?

Assalamualaikum. Aku tak tau aku nak start macam mana, tapi entry ni memang aku nak luah perasaan aku, luah apa yang aku rasa sekarang. Aku sangat sedih!

Nampak tak gambar kat atas ni?

Tadi Lala datang rumah hantar benda ni, tapi lepas dia hantar, dia terus balik. I guess dia tak nak jumpa aku kot. masa dia datang, aku tengah tukar baju lepas aku keluar, abang aku cakap "kawan hang dah balik dah pun" aku terkejut, bila aku tanya siapa? abang aku cakap "Najla", aku lagi terkejut kuasa 24! aku macam tak percaya kenapa dia datang? kan kami gaduh, and dia nak apa? I have no idea. Aku cepat-cepat tengok kat luar, ada kereta Myvi putih jalan terus.

Buku ni buku favourite aku yang aku nak sangat dari tahun lepas lagi, tapi buku ni tak ada jual dekat Kedah, jadi aku pernah minta tolong Lala untuk belikan kat aku in case kalau dia pergi KL. Lepas tu, kami memang tak cakap since bulan February lagi sebab ada salah faham sikit. ( which is aku tak boleh cerita dekat sini ) Aku ego? Ye aku tahu tapi masa tu memang aku mengaku aku tersangat ikut perasaan! Aku stress weh! Dah berbulan kita tak jumpa, cakap, call, mesej each other and paling aku rindu, kita lama tak bergossip sama-sama.
Masa kita gaduh tu, hang ada call aku sekali, tapi aku pilih untuk reject then aku off hp. Kan aku cakap ego aku lagi tinggi dari langit. Aku bukan apa, aku rindu dekat hang, tapi aku tak mau nampak macam aku boleh kena pujuk lepas apa yang hang dah buat. Actually salah hang tak ada besar mana pun cuma aku nak nampak yang aku kuat *tunjuk muscle*

Aku rindu hang weh sumpah aku rindu hang! Aku bangga sangat bila aku dapat tau hang dah berubah, hang dah berhijab sekarang. Aku nak ja jadi orang first yang akan bangga dan happy dengan perubahan mulia hang selepas buat umrah tu, aku nak jadi orang pertama yang dapat peluk dan ucap tahniah bila dapat tahu yang hang dah berubah tapi aku takut perangai hang masih macam dulu, suka lupa aku!

aku rindu dekat orang yang selalu panggil aku gemok bila aku complain berat badan aku dah naik, rindu dekat orang yang akan panggil aku 'baby' bila aku tengah down, rindu kat hang yang selalu buat aku gelak bila hang buat perangai macam 'Usop Wilcha' masa dekat kelas dulu, aku tak stop gelak, sebab hang sorang ja boleh tiru dia punya gaya. Aku rindu dekat orang yang pernah jadi doktor yang bawak ubat dengan makanan dekat aku masa aku demam time last day spm, jaga dan nasihat aku macam mak aku. Aku rindu dekat maid aku sorang ni yang selalu ikut perintah, P.A yang selalu kena marah dan kawan yang banyak menyokong!

12.00 am

Hi, wey. Teemy! Remeber this book? It used to be in your wishlist kan? Aku beli ni lama dah, masa aku pi KL, ingatkan? Yang aku jerit kat hang bila aku dapat beli buku ni....pastu hang excited gila! Ya Allah! Aku rindu hang Teemy! Rindu nak call hang, eh silap! Rindu nak dapat mesej dari hang padahal "Please call me back", serius aku rasa benda ni aku boleh ingat kalau hang mesej aku! haha lawaknya. I wish I can turn back all this time back, like seriously if I can, and I'll do that! :( 
You don't have any idea why and how much I miss you, my bestfriend! Aku sebenarnya nak bagi surat, buku ni masa amik result. Tapi bila aku nak bagi haritu, tengok-tengok aku dah nak balik tapi aku nampak hang jalan nak masuk sekolah. Okay, this is the reason why I wrote this letter for ya!
Anyway, 30hb of May, aku nak masuk study dah. 27th aku dah nakpi Kl dah. Aku doa kat hang, hang dapat apa yang hang nak!
I miss you Teemy! I miss us!

Takecare Teemygomok!!

Weh aku nak sangat jumpa hang before hang pi KL, aku tak pernah berpisah dengan hang lama-lama, kalau lama nanti aku rindu hang, how? To be frank, half of me, memang nak jumpa hang, nakkkkkkkkkkkkkk sangat!!!! nak jumpa, nak peluk, nak bergossip dengan hang, nak bersembang panjang, nak buat video menari yang comel-comel, nak ambik gambar banyak-banyak dengan buat muka annoying, nak cakap yang aku dah maafkan hang, nak try resepi baru pastu kita masak sama-sama, nak makan ice cream lepastu nak suap hang, nak buat satu entry pasal betapa happy nya kita pernah jadi BFF and happy the whole day kita boleh lepak lepas berapa bulan dah gaduh. Patutnya semua benda tu kita buat lepas spm, masa tengah tunggu result. Masa tu kita banyak masa sangat tapi dah kita tak kawan so kita tak buat. But another of me, tak nak jumpa hang, aku rasa elok kalau kita stay on macam ni, I scared of my own feeling, I can't explain and describe it here. Just sorry from me.
Lepas aku baca surat hang, aku menangis sbb aku rasa bersalah sangat. Hang sanggup drive datang rumah aku sebab nak hantar benda yang paling aku suka before hang nak pi KL, I'd never expect! Aku terharu sangat sebab hang dah low kan hang punya ego and sekarang, aku hanya mampu luah semua ni dekat blog, dah lama aku nak buat post cakap aku rindukan hang and today aku buang ego aku sebab nak hargai susah payah hang, aku nak ucap terima kasih dekat hang sebab buat macam ni. Aku tau mesti hang kecewa kan aku tak hantaq mesej apa pun dekat hang lepas hang balik, aku tak tau nak cakap apa. Kalau hang baca post ni, aku harap hang faham okayy Lala? 


Friday 18 May 2012

A love like no others.

Hello Dearies~
today's post is about Mom, and the reason why I'm calling to create a new post sbb Mother's Day lah kan and I know this entry quite late, hehe ;p

*serious mood turn on*

Dear Mom,
You are a hardworking mom, a hero, a brilliant teacher, a perfect wife, a role model, a strong woman, a multitasking person who can do anything you want and people won't expect about it. 

No amount of superlatives can accurately describe my mother. She is the epitome of beauty  and elegance. Her heart is filled with compassion and kindness. her charisma lights up each room but her demure personality is enough to put everyone at ease.

She spends her day to teach her student and makes them happy even though she's tired for all day long have to handle the sport management. Regardless, she puts on a brave smile when she returns home every evening, ready to assume her role as a mother and wife.

I will always remembers those late nights when you used to burn the midnight oil to finishes my artwork projects, just so we could go to bed early. My mother has been with me every step of the way and I am today because of her.

Mama, thanks for everything!

But through each and every stage, I knew I could count in my mother to be the shoulder to cry on, the person who'd tell me that these bad times will pass and that many good times, lie ahead. She always has been and always will be my pillar of strength.

My mothers who have touched my heart in a way that I will never be able to express in words. And for that, I can only thank them.

So, to all amazing and wonderful mothers out there who touch and inspire the lives of children each and every day - Happy Mother's Day!

To mom, thank you and have a blessed day. Your love is truly like no other.


Friday 11 May 2012

Random Question

Salam bebeh!

So today nak buat light post ja, just sharing what's kind of question appear on my mind at this time. And if you wanted to do the same thing, doesn't matter ;)

Apa nama glamour kamu?

Jika kamu diberi peluang untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negara, dimanakah tempat yang menjadi idama kamu?
Mungkin Korea atau Jepun.

Jika ada 1000 orang di hadapan kamu, dan 500 daripadanya membencimu. Apakah yang akan kamu lakukan?
Menari-nari dihadapan 500 orang tersebut sambil buat muka 'aku-tak-kisah-pun-kau-nak-benci-aku'. lol ;p

Kamu ingin meminta maaf kepada.....?
Mama dengan Ayah, takut sekiranya ada percakapan yang megguriskan hati mereka.

Kamu ada 'crush'?
Buat masa sekarang, hmmm tak ada! Yeay! :D

Tak lengkap rasanya kalau tak....?
Bertweeting, sehari tak tweet, rasa mcm ada benda yang tak perfect.

Kamu tak boleh hidup tanpa?
Mama, duit, Twitter.

Nama lelaki yang yang terus muncul di fikiran apabila soalan ni diajukan?
Choi Minho ;p
He's my bias, dia handsomeee and tersangatlah comel! Ehemmm, he's good in sports, suka bila tengok dia lari

Kamu seorang yang....?
Baik hati sebenarnya *tutup muka* seorang yang suka shopping, boros.

Barang yang paling mahal/berharga yang kamu ada?
Barang saya semua murah-murah, tak ada yang mahal. Paling berharga ada diri saya sendiri, kawan yang sentiasa menyokong dan keluarga yang banyak membantu. *tunduk hormat*

Icon Fashion yang kamu kagumi dan ingin bekerjasama dengannya?
Yuna, Hana Tajima and others local designer.

Siapakah orang yang kamu rasa senang untuk didekati?
Nur Amalina Bt Abdullah, seorang kawan yang banyak bagi nasihat tapi tak sempat nak kenal dia lama :') dan Nur Khalidah Wafa Bt Khalid, supportive cousin :)

Tempat yang kamu ingin pergi buat masa sekarang?
Langkawi, sebab nak tengok Liyana, dia dapat PLKN kat sana.

Kamu ingin sekali berjumpa dengan......?
Lee Hong Ki, Jang Geun Suk, Yong Hwa dan banyak lagi sebenarnya ( boleh ke? )

Barang yang kamu paling inginkan sekarang adalah....?
Instagram polaroid camera, omg I want that so badly!

Ucapan kamu kepada orang yang sayang/ambil berat terhadap kamu?
Terima kasih, saya sayang kamu juga *poyo*

